All Clean ChemDry

Residential and Commercial Carpet Cleaning

Drier. Cleaner. Healthier.®

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Don’t Let Your Carpet Make You Sick!

Dog laying on green carpet.

Don’t you just love the way clean carpets look, smell, and welcome you home after a long day? What you don’t want or expect is your carpeting to make you sick; but not giving the care and regular cleaning to your carpets can cause sensitive skin issues, allergies, asthma, and other health problems. As a homeowner, look out for odd, musty smells or stains – don’t ignore them, for there could be something sinister lurking beneath the surface. Mold especially can develop quietly and can be detrimental to your home.

Vacuum Cleaner – HEPA Filter is a Must

If you have carpet, you most certainly should be vacuuming at least 2 times a week, depending on if you have kids, pets, or heavy traffic in your household. The frequency that you should vacuum varies, but many agree using a HEPA filter to catch more dirt, dust, debris is the healthiest way to go.

Doormat Catch

One great way to keep unwanted pests and health risks out of your home, is to literally keep them out of your home. Exercise a strict policy of shoes at the door after you utilize the doormat, which can catch a lot of that traction you deal with on a daily basis.

Immediate Clean-Up

Another way to keep carpets healthy, is to clean up messes as soon as you find them. Blot stains instead of rubbing them deeper into the carpet. Sitting water, hazardous spills involving chemicals or illness need attention immediately, as they can negatively affect the environment that you are living and breathing in.

Professional Carpet Cleaning

Even the most scrupulous cleaner will need to use a professional carpet cleaning service, at least once a year. That is, if you want to maximize the extraction of unwanted contaminants, all without using harsh chemicals. The professionals at All Clean ChemDry also have innovative techniques and equipment that is more sustainable and less work for you!

Carpet Replacement

After years of use and abuse by your family, guests, pets, and kids – you will definitely need to replace your carpets. Many opt to go to hardwoods after years of carpet stains and smells, but if you truly maintain your rugs and carpets, they will last.